Growing Together Women's Study

Growing Together Women's Study
Daily, from 05/20/2021 to 06/25/2021, 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

This Summer, the Women of Castleton will be reading "Growing Together" by Melissa Kruger in small groups of 2-4. Each study will be 6 weeks long and is designed for intentional fellowship amongst group members. "Growing Together" is available for purchase at the book wall for a discounted price.

Group times and dates vary. Please register for one of the available groups, or register yourself as a host.

- Chapter 1: We Need One Another
- Chapter 2: Setting Expectations and Sharing Your Story
- Chapter 3: Taste and See: Savoring the Word of God
- Chapter 4: The Church: Our Home Away From Home
- Chapter 8: Temptations: In the World, but Not of It
- Chapter 9: Joy In The Journey: Cultivating Contentment In All Seasons

Questions? | Monica Jones


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