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Castleton CORE

Castleton CORE Classes

We believe that one of the primary roles of the church is to “equip the saints for the work of the ministry, for building up the body of Christ” (Eph. 4:12). While Sunday morning worship is the most important time of equipping the body, we also think it’s important to provide additional opportunities for further growth and understanding of God and His Word.

What are CORE classes? 

CORE classes range from four to eight weeks long and function as our adult education hour. We call it the Castleton Core because we focus primarily on the core doctrines and disciplines of the Bible. These classes are designed to help all believers grow in their understanding of what Scriptures says about life and practice.

2024 CORE Class Schedule 
Sunday Nights
September 8-22   Join us as we continue in our study of God's Word by exploring the Wisdom God has for us in the books of Job, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon.

Wisdom: Wise Living For Today
Sunday Nights
October 6-November 10   Join us for a 6 week study on applying God's Wisdom to our lives. More details to come!