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Small Groups

Small Groups

Castleton Small Groups are designed to give Christ-followers a unique setting to regularly and  intentionally encourage one another with God’s Word outside Sunday morning service. Small Groups also function as a ministry tool to help our pastors better shepherd our congregation and develop future leaders in the church. Our Small Groups meet throughout the Castleton area at various times throughout the week. The groups are encouraged to be multi-generational but are required to share these three common group characteristics called our Small Group Essentials.

Christ-Centered Focus on the Word

Community that is focused on Christ and intentionally opening God’s Word together will be a place that is shaped by God’s Word, focused on helping one another become more Christ-like, and rooted in biblical truth. Castleton Small Groups must be committed to studying, memorizing, counseling and obeying the Word of God together. This is the foundation of everything else we will seek to do within Small Group community at Castleton Community Church.

Culture Of Care

When people live in genuine biblical community, they desire to see those close to them mature in Christ. In order to grow in Christ-likeness, we must address the heart and not simply the surface level issues. Therefore, our Small Groups ought to be a setting where each member is zealous for personal holiness the holiness of their brothers and sisters in Christ. This requires the group to ask hard questions of one another and not settle for staying on the surface.

Living Life Together

Small Group is more than a regular event on your calendar. By joining a Small Group, you are investing in biblical community. We desire that our Small Groups are living life together and committing to walking alongside each other through good times and hard times —not just during the group meetings. This might mean group dinners, group outings, an email or text to connect during the week, or being prompted by the Spirit to pray for and encourage a group member.

Castleton Small Groups meet at least twice a month. Life together requires time together, and we want our groups to have it.

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