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Global Outreach

Global Outreach

Jesus' last command - our first priority. Why should we care about the world "out there" when there are so many needs right here at home? Because Jesus did. And does. And He does through us, the Church. He has given us the incredible task and privilege of making disciples in all nations and being His witnesses to the ends of the earth (Matthew 28:19,20; Acts 1:8). Global Outreach is the cross-cultural communication of the gospel. It is taking the message and life of Jesus to those who have not yet heard of him. 


Our vision is to see the Church established within each people group of the world and equipped so that it can effectively reach the rest of its people group with the life-changing gospel of Jesus Christ.

To accomplish this task, we seek to give priority in our mission’s efforts to unreached people groups who have little to no access to the gospel. Three billion people not only have not heard about Jesus--but cannot hear, because there's no one in their people group to tell them.

Barnabas Prayer Time

How can you make a difference across the globe right from where you live in Indiana? Barnabas was a key partner with the apostle Paul as they sought to bring the gospel to the nations. In a similar way, we hope that our Barnabas Prayer Time will serve as spiritual and emotional lifelines to our missionaries. This time will focus on praying for our missionaries and the souls they are seeking to reach. 

Vision Trips

We believe that taking a trip to experience the sights, sounds, and smells of our strategic partner countries is the best way to get a real vision for the heart of our global outreach ministry. Interested in participating in a Vision Trip? Contact Luke Jones

Christmas Offering

As a tangible expression of our core value of extravagant grace, the Christmas Offering was started in 1996 by our planting church, College Park Church. Each year, money from this offering goes to an intentional and strategic project that will “make a dent, not a dimple" in a worthy ministry seeking to make disciples of Jesus Christ. The Christmas Offering has helped propel ministries forward, both near and far, in their ability and capacity to carry out the mission of sharing the gospel with all peoples.