Summer Service Times | 9 & 10:45 A.M.

Filter of Hope Trip

Filter of Hope Trip
Saturday, July 13, 2024 - Thursday, July 18, 2024
The Heart and Posture

Participating in God’s global mission is not Christianity 507. Global missions is not grad school Christianity, reserved for the uber-holy who are very mature and sanctified and likely have a seminary degree. Sharing and engaging in God’s plan to get His love to His world is just part and parcel of walking with the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. Global missions is for YOU!

In addition, when short term missions happen well, discipleship is accelerated on both ends of the plane ride. Our growth as those that go is not a happy accident if it happens along the way; our growth is an intentional goal of the trip. And gospel progress where we land is not a happy accident that might result from our presence; gospel progress where we go is also an intentional goal of the trip. It is a both/and situation: Our goal is for discipleship to be accelerated on both ends of the plane ride.

We chose Filter of Hope for this trip because of how it brings these two together. This trip will provide meaningful, gospel advancing opportunities in Guatemala while being very accessible to a broad range of folks from our church. We have every expectation that those of us that go on the trip will grow, and that the church and community we serve will be blessed.

The Details

Where are we going? Antigua, Guatemala (we’ll fly in and out of Guatemala City.)

When are we going? July 13-18, 2024

How much is the trip? The complete trip cost is $2,052. This includes filters for the trip, flights, food, and lodging.

Fundraising options: Every participant will have an individual fundraising link to be shared with friends and family. In addition, we’ve already had multiple people at church ask about giving towards the trip even though they can’t go; gifts like this will lower the cost for everyone.

Important Deadlines:

04/01 - registration closes (deposit of $100 due)

5/14 - 50% due ($1,026) 

06/13 - 100% due ($2,052)

The Schedule

Logistics and Schedule - Filter of Hope arranges all of our in-country logistics and schedule, from when they pick us up at the airport to when they drop us back off. We will get to join a local church for their worship service on Sunday, have two and half days of filter distribution time, and a day to enjoy the lovely country and culture we are in.

Other FAQs

More on the filters. FOH will send one large shipment of filters to the church. We’ll spread them out among team members for transport to Guatemala. The filters cannot go in carry on baggage (since they come with a drill bit) so we’ll have a few team members that check a bag (and pay the fee) to get the filters to Guatemala. (FOH recommends no more than 8 filters per bag.)

How big will the team be? We need a minimum of 12 people, with a max of 20. 

Who can come on the trip? First, regarding physical challenges and limitations. We’re using a minimum age of 10 as a guideline, but not a requirement. If you want to bring a child younger than 10, lets talk about it; one of the biggest needs is for them to be flexible. Days are long and full, there is much walking, meal times get bumped around a bit, etc. For the more mature among us, the terrain is a big consideration. There will be plenty of walking, often on uneven surfaces. Stairs and climbing/descending are to be expected. Second, regarding spiritual life and maturity. Filter of Hope trips are not just for the spiritually mature. Many trip participants have met Jesus as they hear the gospel shared time and again by their team mates and watch God do amazing things. Those that don’t know Jesus yet can play vital parts in engaging the family and installing the filter, all while exposing them to the gospel time and again. And FOH trips are often the first context in which participants share the gospel, so don’t be concerned about not being an experienced evangelist.

Regarding passports: If you don’t have one, start the process NOW! It is a surprisingly slow process, so it is not too soon to start getting one. If you have a passport, make sure it’ll be valid through at least 1/20/2025. Most countries will not accept the passport for entry if it expires less than 6 months after we’ll leave the country.


You can register yourself (and your whole family, if applicable) here:



Email: Matt Mugumya

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