English As A Second Language

English As A Second Language
Every Monday, from 08/19/2024 to 12/02/2024, 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Cost: $25.00

Si esta interesado en aprender o desatollar su ingles, le invitamos a nuestros clases de ingles como segunda lengua. Tenemos tres niveles de clases: principiante, intermedio, y avanzado.

Hay un costo de $25 por libro, que se paga solo cuando empieza clases o pasa a un nivel nuevo. Puede pagar con efectivo o cheque (a Castleton Community Church.)

Los estudiantes pueden registrarse durante todo el semestre, y serán examinados durante su primera visita para determinar cual clase puede mejor ayudarle a progresar en su ingles. No es necesario registrarse antes de visitar.

Cuando venga, favor de usar la puerta al gimnasio (puerta #3). Preguntas? Haga contacto con Riew.


If you are interested in learning or developing your English, we invite you to attend our spring semester of English As A Second Language classes. We offer beginner, intermediate, and advanced classes from trained, caring teachers.

There is a $25 fee per book, which is paid when you begin classes or advance to a new level. Students can pay by cash or check.  Please make checks payable to Castleton Community Church.

Students can register throughout the semester and will be tested during their first visit in order to determine what class will best help them in their English training. No pre-registration is necessary.

When arriving, please enter through the gymnasium entrance (Door #3) of the building. Questions? Contact Riew.

ESL Registration

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