July 14, 2024Our Christian Identity Informs Our Worldly Living1 Peter: Gospel Living in ExileJonathan Mertz1 Peter 2:4-12View Sermon
July 7, 2024Saved for Brotherly Love1 Peter: Gospel Living in ExileMatthew Mugumya1 Peter 1:22-2:3View Sermon
June 30, 2024A Mindset for Holiness1 Peter: Gospel Living in ExileEric Swanson1 Peter 1:13-21View Sermon
June 23, 2024Living Hope in Exile1 Peter: Gospel Living in ExileEric Swanson1 Peter 1:1-12View Sermon
June 16, 2024God's All Sufficient WordWisdom Psalms: Foundations for Wise LivingJosh PagelPsalms 119:1-24View Sermon
June 9, 2024To Seek and to FindWisdom Psalms: Foundations for Wise LivingBruce CochranPsalms 73:1-28View Sermon
June 2, 2024The Two PathsWisdom Psalms: Foundations for Wise LivingMatthew MugumyaPsalms 1:1-6View Sermon
May 19, 2024Seeing the Savior in the ScripturesThe Gospel of LukeTommy JohnstonLuke 24:13-49View Sermon